Connecting complex networks is known to exacerbate perturbations and lead to cascading failures, but natural networks of networks like the brain are surprisingly stable. A theory now proposes that network structure holds the key to understanding this paradox. See paper Saulo D. S. Reis, Yanqing Hu, Andres Babino, Jose S. Andrade Jr, Santiago Canals, Mariano Sigman, Hernan A. Makse, “Avoiding catastrophic failure in correlated networks of networks”, Nature Physics 10, 762-767 (October 2014). Published pdf version. Supplementary Information, SI.News & Views Multilayer Networks: Dangerous Liaisons? by Ginestra Bianconi, pdf. CUNY press release. CSIC press release. Tendencias cientificas. Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, SBF. Why natural networks are more stable than man-made networks, Tus neuronas mejoran las redes que mueven al mundo, El Pais. A estabilidade do cerebro, Pesquisa FAPESP. Disenian redes tecnologicas mediante experimentos con el cerebro humano,